Huge Thanks to this Issue’s Sponsors
- LAKESHORE LEARNING: Get 30% Off May 6-12 (coupons here)
- SALT LAKE BEES: 2 FREE tickets for May 11 game (use “INSPIRE” promo code)
- SPORTCLIPS: FREE MVP Haircut for Teacher Appreciation Week
- SWIG SODA SHOP: Wishes all our Murray Teachers a Huge Thanks!
2023-24 Annual Report: MEF Had a Busy Year

Murray Education Foundation is excited to share with you a report of our year. You played a huge role in that and so we wanted to say thank you and celebrate with us on all the accomplishments of 2023-24. Click here to open up/download a PDF copy.
Thank You, Jeanne Habel: Shout Out to Jeanne!

After more than 25 years of running Murray Education Foundation, Executive Director Jeanne Habel has decided to retire in June. To say her work was transformative for Murray would be an understatement. Driven by a passion to help each teacher and educator, Jeanne created a thriving MEF organization that has forever left a mark on the hearts of the Murray Community.
Other MEF News: Calendar and Some Changes

- August (Date TBD): Back2School Blitz School Supply Donation Drive (w/ Fox13);
- Aug. 1: MEF Teacher Grant Submissions (awards will be announced 2nd week in September);
- Aug. 23: MEF Golf Tournament;
- Nov. 25 – Dec. 20: Angels Among Us Donation Drive;
- Dec. 2 – Jan. 31: Pinnacle Award Nominations Open;
TEACHER GRANT CHANGE: We will be updating our scoring criteria for annual teacher grants to simplify the selection process. You can learn more about the scoring criteria at the link below. The deadline for those submissions will be August 30 at 5 pm. A selection committee will then be convened the following week, and two weeks into September grants will be awarded. Information for teacher grants, including the form (when it’s active) will be located here: Annual Teacher Grants
LAURA BAKER SCHOLARSHIP CHANGE: Submissions this profession development scholarship will be moving from Fall of each year to February each year, to give educators more time for planning and attending. Next year they will be open between February 21 and March 21. Information for this scholarship, including the form (when it’s active) will be located here: Laura Baker Professional Development Grant