After years of dealing with tangled, shorted, and cut cords, McMillan Elementary First Grade Teachers Ms. Evans and Ms. Jessop were fit to be tied. So, they each submitted grant funding requests to Murray Education Foundation to go wireless with their classroom headphones.
Before this Bluetooth solution, students would unintentionally move away from their desks while still tethered to their Chromebooks which led to damaged computers and cords. But a cool feature of the new headphones is built-in microphone technology. So, students can record themselves reading and these teachers are able to give them more 1:1 support on their skills.
MCSD is proud of our teachers for embracing technology that improves student learning. Even simple things we all take for granted come with a cost when you must buy one for each student. This source of MEF funding is an important supplement in our community when others are exhausted.
MEF partners with the community to fund educator grants that help students grow. If your business would like to sponsor with MEF, bringing to life a love for learning with Murray kids, contact Doug Perry at 801-264-7400.